company company n. (1) 交際, つきあい; 仲間, 連れ, 友人; 人の集まり, 一座, 劇団; 来客; 〔軍事〕 中隊. 【動詞+】 avoid the company of strangers 知らない人と一緒にいるのを避ける Will you bear me company as far as the post office? 《文語》 郵便局まで一緒に行
company of 《the ~》~との付き合い[交流{こうりゅう}?交際{こうさい}] I like the company of kids. 子どもを相手にするのが好きだ。
in company with christ who died and now lives ... may the rejoicing in your kingdom ... where all our tears are wiped away ... unite us together again in one family ... to sing your praise forever and ever . 死者と我々 生きる者が 主 イエスと共にあり いづれ 主の王国で 我々の涙が拭い去られ 永遠に 主を称える為に
there are two types of dokkaku; bugyo-dokkaku (部行独覚 ) who pursues enlightenment in company with his peers , and rinkakuyu-dokkaku (麟角喩独覚 ) who searches after enlightenment alone , looking as solitary as a single horn (角 ) of a qilin (麒麟 ) does . 独覚は、仲間をつくって修行する部行独覚と、麒麟の一角の如く独りで道を得る麟角喩独覚とに分ける。
on september 6 (the old calendar ) ieyasu concluded that the distrust of the toyotomi family to the tokugawa family was a factor of such a problem , then sent suden and masazumi honda as envoys to the toyotomi family , and at the meeting in company with okurakyo-no-tsubone and katsumoto , demanded that toyotomi should discuss a measure for conciliation for the both families and come to edo to account for the measure . 9月6日 (旧暦)、家康は豊臣方の徳川家に対しての不信が問題の要因であるとし、崇伝と本多正純を使者として、大蔵卿局と且元とを同席させた上で、双方の親和を示す方策を講じ江戸に赴いて申し開きするよう要求したという。
moreover , during the bunroku campaigns he was an overseer who went to korea; in 1592 , in company with naotada shinjo and others , he issued instructions urging korean refugees to return home; in the same and subsequent year (1593 ) he participated in the first and second jinju castle battles and , in august 1595 , was granted an additional 6 ,000 koku of land and became the owner of harima kakogawajo castle (12 ,000 koku ). この他文禄の役では目付として朝鮮に渡海しており、文禄元年(1592年)には新庄直忠らとともに朝鮮人逃亡流民の帰郷を促す訓令を発布するほか、同年に第一次、翌文禄2年(1593年)には第二次晋州城攻防戦に参加するなどして活躍し、文禄4年(1595年)8月に六千石加増され、播磨加古川城主(12000石)になる。
moreover , during the bunroku campaigns he was an overseer who went to korea; in 1592 , in company with naotada shinjo and others , he issued instructions urging korean refugees to return home; in the same and subsequent year (1593 ) he participated in the first and second jinju castle battles and , in august 1595 , was granted an additional 6 ,000 koku of land and became the owner of harima kakogawajo castle (12 ,000 koku ). この他文禄の役では目付として朝鮮に渡海しており、文禄元年(1592年)には新庄直忠らとともに朝鮮人逃亡流民の帰郷を促す訓令を発布するほか、同年に第一次、翌文禄2年(1593年)には第二次晋州城攻防戦に参加するなどして活躍し、文禄4年(1595年)8月に六千石加増され、播磨加古川城主(12000石)になる。